Hello everyone,
I am trying to add the onboarding and dashboard plugins to Silex. Everything else worked well, but the editor itself failed to load.
What I did was essentially copy-paste the config file and the plugins from the v3 instance. I modified some of the source code in the src
directory, and I want to see if they work with the whole onboarding and dashboard plugins. So, I changed paths in the config file .silex.js
const SslPlugin = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/SslPlugin').default;
const { ConnectorType } = require('./dist/server/types');
const FtpConnector = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/FtpConnector').default;
const DownloadConnector = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/DownloadConnector').default;
const GitlabConnector = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/GitlabConnector').default;
const GitlabHostingConnector = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/GitlabHostingConnector').default;
const FsStorage = require('./dist/server/server/connectors/FsStorage').default;
const dash = require('@silexlabs/silex-dashboard');
const StaticPlugin = require('./dist/plugins/server/plugins/server/StaticPlugin').default;
const node_modules = require('node_modules-path');
const onboarding = require(__dirname + '/server-plugins/onboarding.js');
const { join } = require('path');
The rest of the config, client-plugins, and server-plugins remain the same as in the v3 instance.
The dashboard and onboarding worked pretty well. My projects on GitLab have shown up successfully, and I am able to add or delete them.

However, when I tried to open one of the projects and start to edit, I ended up with the Cannot GET /
error, and the console output was Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!