Here's where I got stuck. I tried to get the Endpoint information to connect to Silex
- In Supabase, open Project Settings → Configuration → API
- Copy URL for database source (defaults to Primary Database)
(then it seemed like the next steps would line up with steps 18-40 of the Wordpress documentation)
- Return to Silex, open a new project (or add into to an existing one)
- Open Settings
- Click “CMS”
- Add new data source
6a. Add label
6b. Paste URL from Supabase into the “URL” field in Silex
6c. Click “Test connection”
This is where it failed, I got the error:
"Status: ✗ Unknown GraphQL connection failed: GraphQL introspection failed: Failed to fetch"
I've tried to troubleshoot it in Supabase but I don't know what I'm missing.