Lead Microservice, Project Microservice, Web Microservice, WebComponents, Quote Microservice, Sale Microservice, Purchase Microservice, User Microservice, Client Microservice, Goods Microservice, Neo Microservice, Department Microservice, Price Microservice, Claim Microservice, Coworker Microservice, Device Microservice, Design Microservice, Catalogue Microservice, Accreditation Microservice, SupplyChain Microservice, Pool Microservice, Service Microservice
Hire Microservice, Company Microservice, Trust Microservice, Action Microservice, Production Microservice, Workflow Microservice, Merchandise Microservice, Apparatus Microservice, Category Microservice, Wizard Microservice, Quartz Microservice, State Microservice, Advisor Microservice, Employee Microservice, Job Microservice, Profession Microservice
and may more.
Work in progress "Silex CMS"
I'm not sure I understand but I will be happy if you can test it when it is ready
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Hi, maybe you can help me? The company I work for uses Microsoft Asses as the front end of the data base. It's been about 12 years for me since I even thought about getting back into web design front end and back. Long story short I'm rebuilding the entire inventory control, to work across platform devises. Adroid, mac etc... I specialized in adobe products, Dream Weaver flash ect.. I gave up pretty much on anything to do with developing. When I couldn't get a job even with the background. All because the school I went to was not creditable. So I gave up and pretty much walked away until now. I have spent the past 3 months researching trying different free editors to see what might work in the learning curve I was about to face. Until I found Silex I can learn and do at the same time. Please if you can lead me in the right step. I'm learning everything over again.
PS: PHP is the connection I will be using.
- Edited
Hi Lexoyo As I mentioned in my earlier message our team has used the Silex Repository and created our own copy of Silex with an integrated option of our storage server. A Silex user will be able to host their Silex-designed website or web pages directly on our servers. A Silex user will store their template in their collection (a data table is called a collection in No SQL MongoDB) and from the MongoDB collection, our Saga state machine will check their version and automatically publish their latest content. Most importantly, a Silex user will be able to link and interact with the Silex web components and our microservices. In our infrastructure the Silex website will be publicly viewable through our highly secure environment and at the same time Silex components will be able to use any microservice and query our database directly. which will empower Silex users with the endless power of microservices including digital assets of the NEO blockchain.
![Here we have integrated SIlex Desktop version with our ERP system] (!AoijfyH38kKjgut41_LRc_PCYjlFSw?e=cE71uA)
![Here we have integrated SIlex Web version with our ERP system]
Hi Jeffery
We are happy to help but there is a catch we are heavily involved and working in Microsoft .Net. The only area we have in common is Silex website design. We can add you to our Silex group where you can learn how to integrate microservices with your Silex web content. Finally, you will be able to provide Silex web services to your clients with our microservice. Once you become a freelance Silex service provider, we can list your services for users of our ERP system.
Thank you.
The more I can learn about Silex and how it works the better I'll be.
A quick update about this development
I have a working grapesjs plugin to interact with a GraphQL APIs (here is a list of graphql APIs you can use and also the CMS where you find "GraphQL" in the description here
So now I will
- Create a Silex plugin which generates templates
- Add "collection pages" to silex (see the definition of collection pages in webflow and collection pages in squarespace
- Add live preview in Silex with the dynamic data
A good news on this new feature !
I create the first ever no code static site with Silex from a "country" API (not a CMS this time)
I just added a container to the stage, made it loop over the continents, added a text and made it display the continent title etc. Then published and voila
It uses to build the site
Here is a video to show the progress
Looking good !!! Still not functional but close
Custom states are coming
It is a way to build complex expressions, for example build a URL of an image
feel free to ask questions @ceubri @jonas @Gab @Jeaan-phi
I'm going to need some explanations about how the module works, its purpose and its usefulness.
I don't understand how to use it in my sites.
Sorry i'm not clear and thank you for asking!
It is a silex plugin to integrate with a headless cms, such as,,,, ...
For now you need to install it in silex with commands (command line) and config file
I just wrote a documentation to test this feature:
- for devs:
- for users:
- Edited
I've been working more on Silex CMS, here are some news
Static site generator
I have successfully integrated with
Silex generates liquid templates compatible with 11ty, so we can generate websites with dynamic data. It is compatible with 11ty multi lingual plugin, image optimization and responsive plugin, navigation / menu
Headless CMS
I have tested several headless CMS solutions and they all work great:
- (free/libre and open source like silex)
- (open source not free/libre)
- (not free/libre but mostly open source, expensive saas but self hostable)
- (closed source with free plan)
- (closed source with free plan)
If someone has time to test, I want to be sure we are also compatible with
How to test
There is a documentation explaining how to have Silex running on your local computer with the Silex CMS plugin and 11ty SSG. It involves the command line and may not work on windows
I am working on a video to demo all this
Next steps
- Add live preview. For now the dynamic data is not rendered on the canvas / stage
- Make it available without having to host your own Silex instance nor use the command line
This looks really cool! So the local version of this is already wroking?
Also: It won't be possible to make interactive components, right? So have components that make calls to the backend live and i.e. allow for user accounts etc.?
hey somedude yes this feature is a plugin which is already working but you need to install it yourself:
here is a screenshot (we use it for clients already
and here is the feature, you can comment on it and see what is missing and follow the dev
lexoyo so far everything looks great. I am able to integrate data from my headless cms
I found a problem in the code generation of 11y. The template provided in the script has this in the header
const EleventyFetch = require('@11ty/eleventy-fetch')
module.exports = async function () {
but after the code generation the header changes to
import EleventyFetch from '@11ty/eleventy-fetch'
export default async function () {
and it results a error in the 11ty static site generation
[11ty] Benchmark 1737ms 97% 1× (Data)
./index.11tydata.js[11ty] Copied 6 files / Wrote 2 files in 1.79 seconds (v2.0.1)
[11ty] Watching…
[11ty] Server at http://localhost:8080/
[11ty] File changed: index.html
[11ty] File added: css/index-47e515d68e212a659adf78c14cfaf89181fe56af67a7c634f2508b4c41f74ce5.css
[11ty] File changed: default/website.json
[11ty] File changed: index.11tydata.js
[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)
[11ty] Cannot use import statement outside a module (via SyntaxError)
[11ty] Original error stack trace: /Users/diablo/Projects/apito/silex-strapi-11ty/index.11tydata.js:2
[11ty] import EleventyFetch from '@11ty/eleventy-fetch'
[11ty] ^^^^^^
[11ty] SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
[11ty] at internalCompileFunction (node:internal/vm:73:18)
Can you point me where do I change this to contribute ?
And dont know why it appends a
parameter at the end of my API URL ? any idea ?
Ok so
this is just a way to prevent caching, to make sure 11ty's very aggressive cache does not apply
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
ok this is because I updated the plugin to support 11ty version > 3
the data file should be named with .mjs
instead of .js
and it is an ES module instead of old commonjs
can you restart 11ty command line and check the file extension?