Hello, welcome to you axkony
Hi, so i just started working with silex, which has been going great, and while working i thought of some ways to improve it, if that is helpful?
It's amazing thank you!!! Nobody does it, you're 🥇
It would be nice if there was some kind of option to reset all of the css that was chaged for a specific state to the css set in -state-.
Love it !!
And I'm working on a new selector manager - would you add this idea here so that i don't forget? https://roadmap.silex.me/posts/23/advanced-selector-manager-plugin-for-grapesjs
I sometimes forget that i am editing a state, which gets confusing. making it more visible that you're editing for example hover, could be a reminder. for example, the sidebar could have a slightly different color.
This one is also exactly what I'm working on, I'll post a screenshot on the same roadmap feature request so you can tell me what you think?
If i go back to -state- it would be nice to have for example a colored border around the things that chnaged for another state. let's say i make a image visible on hover with display:
in -states- the display would be "none" but there would be a for example orange border indicating that on another state, this setting changes - maybe there could even be a hint saying which state(s) change this when hovering over this setting. (display: none, but when hovering over it, it would say something like "hover: inline, click: flex".
This one I am not sure I understand how to do this... We should probably talk? Can you send me an email on alex AT silex.me ?
It is also a bit confusing that the states are previewed in the editing view of silex, so that when i hover over an element that makes another element visible it changes everything and sometimes bugs out when i made a mistake. so it would be nice if the states were exluded from teh preview and that only by selecting the state of an element that it would preview this.
actually my new selector manager works like that, no preview for the states. I was bugged by it because I don't manage to make the old behavior... So you think I should actually leave it like that. Interesting thx
if you would still want to have the possibility of direct interaction with the states while editing, an option would be sending it to a localport to view the preview in a separate window while editing (like the Live Server Plugin in VS Code).
there is the "eye" button (or "tab" shortcut) to have the preview
Thank you so much, that's great input